Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Book review for shading and lights direction

Dynamic light & shades 
Artist Burne Hogarth

The dark side of human anatomy with a shades of gray.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Book review for creatures and fantasy scene

100 ways to create fantasy figures
By Impact publishing

Artist Francis Tsai
other credits to Todd Lockwood

Have you ever wondered why is your dream is not happening no matter how hard you've tried  ,If there are chances well not exactly as you expected to be ,wake up!  dreaming is over because youre living in a shadow of your own nightmares  face it and take advantage of your skills as master of hell like creatures,zombies(morbids) and undescribable creatures(too much vanity) .

Friday, February 1, 2019

Edgy anatomy and comic book character creation book review

Drawing cutting edge anatomy
The ultimate guide and reference for comic book character
Artist: Christopher Hart

another tongue tingling ,mouth drooling ,the vicious  comic book anatomy  you've ever seen 'I did not lick it',but someone did and its awesome.